Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fun Facts About Eagles

Fabulous Facts About EAGLES!

Fact 1: There are more then 60 species of Bald Eagles!

Fact 2: Eagles at fish, Carrion, Smaller Birds, and Rodents.

Fact 3: Eagles live by water in Alaska and Canada.

Fact 4: Eagles are not picky about there food they will sometimes steal it from other birds!

Fact 5: Many eagles lay 2 eggs but, the older larger chick kills its younger Sibling..

Fact 6: Eagles have excellent Eyesight!

Fact 7: Today, Except for the Southwestern bald eagles have been removed from the 'threatened species list in the united states'

Friday, November 6, 2015

Doggie Facts!!

Fact 1: Dogs with pointed faces like wolves live longer  then dogs with flat faces like bulldogs.

Fact 2: The most influential dog club in the United States, was founded in 1884.

Fact 3: Dogs and humans have been living side by side for about 15,000 years!

Fact 4: About 6 million dogs are diagnosed with cancer each year!

Fact 5: Dogs have been known to sniff out cancer in people before.

A fact about my dog Biscuit: She has an all pink nose! which is rare on dogs and can get sun burnt easily.