Fabulous Facts About EAGLES!
Fact 1: There are more then 60 species of Bald Eagles!
Fact 2: Eagles at fish, Carrion, Smaller Birds, and Rodents.
Fact 3: Eagles live by water in Alaska and Canada.
Fact 4: Eagles are not picky about there food they will sometimes steal it from other birds!
Fact 5: Many eagles lay 2 eggs but, the older larger chick kills its younger Sibling..
Fact 6: Eagles have excellent Eyesight!
Fact 7: Today, Except for the Southwestern bald eagles have been removed from the 'threatened species list in the united states'
Fact 1: There are more then 60 species of Bald Eagles!
Fact 2: Eagles at fish, Carrion, Smaller Birds, and Rodents.
Fact 3: Eagles live by water in Alaska and Canada.
Fact 4: Eagles are not picky about there food they will sometimes steal it from other birds!
Fact 5: Many eagles lay 2 eggs but, the older larger chick kills its younger Sibling..
Fact 6: Eagles have excellent Eyesight!
Fact 7: Today, Except for the Southwestern bald eagles have been removed from the 'threatened species list in the united states'